FAQs For the Adoptive Parents

Is adoption confidential?
Yes. Adoption is confidential unless you decide that you would like to share identifying information with the birth family.
Are the babies being placed for adoption healthy?
Generally, most babies being placed for adoption are healthy. In fact, we request the medical records of birth mothers and encourage prospective adoptive families to show the records to their own physicians. If you are open to a child who has minor medical issues or a child with special needs, we can also assist you throughout that process.
How long does it take to adopt?
While there is no sure-fire way to predict the length of a specific adoption process, the average at Adoptive Families for Children is approximately one year. However, depending on your desires and preferences in terms of what child will be the best for you, it can be less than one year.
How much does an adoption cost?
The overall cost of an adoption largely depends on the various needs of the birth mother. You do not need a lot of money, but you should be financially stable and manage the resources you do have in an efficient manner. For some families, the cost of adoption can seem overwhelming and confusing. The task of setting a budget and exploring financing options is one of the most important steps in the process.
What if I'm single? Can I still adopt?
Yes! There are many children in need of good, loving homes. Adoptive Families for Children will place children with both single parents and couples without discrimination. Single parent adoption is not uncommon and Adoptive Families for Children has been involved in many domestic adoptions of this nature.
Can same-sex couples adopt?
Absolutely! If you are a same-sex couple and are married, in a domestic partnership, or a civil union, you are eligible to adopt an infant. We have represented and continue to represent many same-sex couples in their quest to start or grow their families.
Do I/we need a home study?
Yes. In order to adopt, all prospective adoptive parents, whether single or a couple, are required to have a home study completed. A home study is one of the first steps in the adoption process and is an educational opportunity for you to learn about adoption and becoming a parent, all while the agency gets to know you and your likes/dislikes. The result is a document that is used to help match you with a child and ensures a healthy, stable environment for the child.
Adoptive Families for Children can help you complete this process as we offer home study services to all families considering adoption. For more information, please visit our home study page and/or see our home study FAQs.
How much information regarding the background of the birth parents will I/we receive?
Adoptive Families for Children will make every effort to obtain the most complete and up-to-date information as possible regarding the newborn and both birth parents. The type and depth of detail often varies, but, normally, social background information and medical records are available regarding the birth mother.
What is an "open" adoption?
Open adoption describes the type of adoption in which the birth mother (or birth parents) and the adoptive parent(s) know the identities of one another and choose to remain in contact after the legal adoption process is complete. This “openness” can be in the form of letter and picture updates sent via our agency, or by direct, person-to-person contact and visits, depending on the comfort level and desires of all involved parties.
What is a "closed" adoption?
In contrast to an open adoption, a closed adoption is the type of adoption in which an infant is adopted by the adoptive parent(s) and the record of the biological parent(s) is kept sealed. The birth parent(s) and adoptive parent(s) that choose closed adoptions may do so due to the wishes of one or both of the respective parties. Formerly, closed adoptions and sealed records all but ensured that the child and his/her birth parent(s) would not find each other. Today, various programs, organizations, and the Internet have made this process easier. Only a court order allows closed adoption records to be unsealed.
Does anyone have the authority to claim or take my child after I/we have adopted?
No. Once an adoption is final, you are the parent of your child. Adoption is a legally binding process where the birth parent(s) surrender or have their rights terminated, leaving no privileges to your new child.

“…we met with the AFFC staff and they explained what we needed to do to begin the process of adoption, and how to go about getting everything prepared.”